Fe gododd Haul Cyfiawnder

(Yr Aberth drud)
Fe gododd Haul Cyfiawnder
  Yn ddysglaer iawn cyn hyn;
Gwasgarodd dew gymylau, -
  Mi welaf ben y bryn,
Yr allor aur, a'r aberth,
  A'r offrwm gwerthfawr, drud,
Dros bawb o'r teulu dynol
  O ddechre i ddiwedd byd.

Pe b'asai myrdd o fydoedd
  Yn cael eu prynu 'nghyd
A'r cyfryw werth, buasent
  Yn llawer iawn rhy ddrud:
'Does angel fyth, na seraff,
  Na cherub yn y nef,
I'r filfed ran all ddirnad
  Mawr werth ei Aberth ef.

Anfeidrol, fyth anfeidrol,
  Drugaredd faith y nef;
Parhad yr holl gre'digaeth
  Sy'n gorphwys arno ef:
Griddfanau pen Calfaria,
  Lama, sabach-thani,
Yw'r perlau mwyaf gwerthfawr
  A fedd ein daear ni.
1 : Dafydd William 1720-94
2-3: William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [7676D]: Nayland (<1876)

  Anfeidrol fyth anfeidrol
  O enw ardderchocaf
  O'r nef mi glywais newydd
  Pe buasai fil/mil o fydoedd

(The costly Sacrifice)
The Sun of Righteousness arose
  Very radiantly before this;
He dispersed thick clouds, -
  I see the summit of the hill,
The golden altar, and the sacrifice,
  And the precious, costly offering,
For everyone of the human family
  From the world's beginning to it's end.

If a myriad of worlds were
  Bought all together
At such a price, they would be
  Much too costly:
There is no angel ever, or seraph,
  Or cherub in heaven,
To the thousandth part who could grasp
  The great worth of his sacrifice.

Immeasurable, forever immeasurable,
  The vast mercy of heaven;
The endurance of the whole creation
  Is resting upon it:
The groans of the summit of Calvary,
  Lama, sabach-thani,
Are the greatest precious pearls
  That our earth possesses.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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